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Flashback - Kindergarten Part 2

Kindergarten sure was a big adjustment—for all of us! It's fun to look back a few years later and re-post these from the old blog.

Kindergarten moms—hang in there!


Lots of supportive friends and family have been asking me the same two questions since my girls started kindergarten a little over a month ago:

How are the girls liking kindergarten? and What are you doing with your time? Well, I'm happy to say that the girls are doing great in kindergarten. It took a solid two weeks to adjust to our new routine, but we have not had any more tear-filled afternoons. They are embracing the fact that kindergarten is an everyday thing and are enjoying it more every day. Even the two minor colds they've had already haven't kept them from school—yes, two in a month's time—but they are excited about the three-day weekend we have coming up this weekend. (They are still real, live kids, after all.)

The last day before kindergarten

And what about me? Well, I'm over my weepiness, too, thank heavens. Their happiness makes it a lot easier for me to be happy, too. And while I have enjoyed indulging in the occasional massage appointment or shopping trip to Kansas City, my days are mostly the same. I had these fantasies about all the things I would get done while the girls were at school. I'm years behind on putting photos in books... Their baby book is in pieces, incomplete in an under-the-bed storage container... I have a book that I've written, but not published... I'd like to write a blog post more than once every few weeks... And yet, most days, I still look optimistically at my list of 400 things to do and manage to accomplish 2 of them. Just like before. But without the feeling that I've been busy taking care of my girls all day. Today I dropped off the girls, walked the dog, and did about 20 minutes of a workout video. I put together my grocery list, took a shower, and got dressed. Then I went to the commissary on base, and then had a phone call from school that Caroline wasn't feeling well. Dashed home, put away the things that needed to go in the fridge, and instead of going out to lunch with my husband, Stephen and I went up to school to check on Miss C. She didn't have a fever, but she took a little Tylenol for her sore throat, and after convincing her (and her sister, who suddenly decided that she needed to go home, too—again, they're still real, live kids) that she needed to try to stick it out for the rest of the day, we went to pick up Stephen's car from the shop. PB&J for lunch at home, and Stephen went back to work. Put away the rest of the groceries... You get the idea. Major accomplishments for the day: I walked the dog and went to the grocery store--yay for me! Some would say, "You should get a job!" No, thank you. You see, I still have a full-time job. Taking care of my home, putting meals on the table for my family, and being better able to balance the things I do for my mothers of twins club, our squadron, and the girls' school's PTO keep me plenty busy all day, every day. While I'm not checking off one completed project after another the way I dreamed I would, I am thankful to be able to devote my time to Project Mom, and when those sweet girls and my dear husband come home at the end of every day, I am happy that all the other stuff is done--or at least done enough—so I can focus on them. {Did I mention that I'm thankful? I realize that not everyone has this luxury, and I am so thankful that I do!} Time to go pick up the girls from school. Accomplishment No. 3: I completed a blog post!


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Opinions expressed here are merely anecdotes of what worked for the author and her family. Always consult your obstetrician, pediatrician, product owner's manuals, and the latest research when deciding what is best for you and your children.

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