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If you knew me in high school, you know that I always do my homework--sometimes during lunch, but I always do my homework. This book venture has been no exception, either with regard to researching as I write or doing the homework about how to actually get this thing published. Here's what I've learned:

Unless you're a celebrity or have tens of thousands of hits on your blog every day or have already published a best-seller, approaching a traditional publishing house will get you nowhere. You need to have a literary agent if you hope to get your manuscript or proposal anywhere near an editor's slush pile.

To sign with a literary agent, you have to send query letters (there's a special method to this madness) and formal proposals (another process) and wait 6-8 weeks (or so, depending on the agency) for a reply. And apparently, the industry frowns on sending query letters to multiple literary agents at the same time. (How would they ever know???)

A couple of years ago, I set out to play this game, identifying agents who represent authors in my genre, writing query letters, putting together proposals, waiting patiently, getting no response, playing the game again, waiting again, getting no response, rolling the dice again, waiting less patiently, still getting no response...

Strangely, the responsibilities of real life started to edge out chasing literary agents, and I quit playing that game.

I was sharing this experience last week with a friend who asked me what has kept me from getting this done. She recently retired from active duty military service and is transitioning to the private sector. She's had multiple (impressive) job offers now, but was told early on to expect that it will take an average of FOUR ATTEMPTS to contact an individual before receiving a response. FOUR. Before receiving any response at all. I always thought that if you were ignored, that was a passive-aggressive way of saying, "Lady, leave me alone," and/or a sign that someone was lacking in common courtesy. Apparently, this is the new normal in the professional world.

I could try playing this game for a few more years in the hopes that, like Kathryn Stockett who received 60 rejection letters before she published The Help, someone will eventually want to represent me and see that my book is published. And, naturally, that Emma Stone will play me in the film version. However, I've decided to go a different route: Self-publishing.

Homework done, I've learned that several reputable self-publishing companies are out there, which charge nothing to publish an individual work, but make their money when/if books are sold. Through and some others, you can get an ISBN, have your book come up on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc., the author gets a take, and Lulu gets a take--and the finished product looks fantastic. Because this topic is very searchable (in the frantic hours after learning that you're expecting twins), I am optimistic that self-publishing will get this resource into the hands of moms who need it. And who knows? If it does well, it may get the attention of a more traditional publishing company someday.



Here's where I need you! I could pay a stranger or pay for's book cover design services, but I'd rather do business with a friend. This work has been a labor of love, and it just seems fitting that the cover be designed by someone who has some love for the project, too. If you are interested in doing a little freelance for me, please shoot me an email or a Facebook message. Or if your sister/neighbor/daughter-in-law is a graphic designer who might be interested, please pass this along.

Also, while I'm asking for connections, if one of you never told me that your great uncles were Simon and Schuster, or your sister is an editor at Random House, or your brother-in-law just opened a boutique publishing company, or your neighbor is a literary agent I'd sure love to know about it. Otherwise, I am going to move forward with this project on Lulu.

The reactions you shared with me after my last post were overwhelming! Again, I thank you for your encouragement and am so appreciative of your support.


Next time: a break from the book stuff...GIVE ME SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT

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© 2025 by Susanna Pippel. Created with

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Opinions expressed here are merely anecdotes of what worked for the author and her family. Always consult your obstetrician, pediatrician, product owner's manuals, and the latest research when deciding what is best for you and your children.

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