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Great Books for Twin Moms

Juggling Twins by Meghan Regan-Loomis

I wish this book had been published when I was expecting! Regan-Loomis often had me laughing out loud as I reviewed this book. She and I have different perspectives on many issues, but I would recommend that any parent expecting twins read her book and mine in order to get a wide range of ideas on how to manage life with two babies.

Your Pregnancy Week by Week
by Glade B. Curtis and Judith Schuler

This was my favorite pregnancy book when I was expecting twins, and eleven years later, I still prefer it to everything else out there. I love the weekly updates on all that is growing and changing with baby—and with mom. Now in its 8th edition, Curtis and Schuler cover all of the must-know medical information along with everything else on an expectant mom's mind.

The Happiest Baby on the Block
by Harvey Karp

In this book, Dr. Karp asserts that the first three months of babies’ lives are to be treated much as a fourth trimester of pregnancy. He strongly advocates swaddling to simulate life inside the womb, and he offers remedies for helping colicky babies.

Baby Wise
by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam

A great starting point for "giving your infant the gift of nighttime sleep"

Parenting by the Book by John Rosemond

One of our favoritesRosemond empowers parents and brings common sense back to parenting with "Biblical wisdom for raising your child."

Twin Sanity by Susanna Pippel

I would be remiss not to include this!

Sanity-saving topics include • Preparing for two babies—what parents really need to buy and where they can find it (without breaking the bank!) • Bed rest, labor, delivery, and the possibility of preemies • Sleep—how to get it sooner rather than later • The daily routine—the sanity-saving details that new parents crave about how they will successfully manage caring for two babies.

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Opinions expressed here are merely anecdotes of what worked for the author and her family. Always consult your obstetrician, pediatrician, product owner's manuals, and the latest research when deciding what is best for you and your children.

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