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How Twin Sanity came to be...



When our twins were toddlers, their pediatrician asked if he could refer another mom to me who was expecting twins. She had asked if he could recommend any books for her to read, and while he didn't know of any books (That's right! He didn't know of any books to recommend to her!) he did know of a person who would be a good resource for her.


We had experienced the same problem when we found out we were expecting twins: There were hundreds of thousands of titles out there for expectant parents, but very little specifically written to help expectant parents of twins.


How do you get two to sleep at the same time?

How do you feed two at the same time?

Do we need two cribs or one?

Do we need two of everything?

Will I go into labor early?

Will I need help?


And so I decided to start writing. I took copious notes of our babies' sleep schedules, how we transitioned them from feeding tubes to bottles to breastfeeding, how getting through the day changed as their developmental needs changed that first year...and I quickly realized that the reason that so few books exist on this topic is that no parent of twins has time to write such a thing.


Today our girls are in third grade, and I am excited to announce that Twin Sanity is now in print! It is my hope and prayer that this this labor of love will be a help to others—a resource for staying sane, even when expecting and caring for twins.



"This book has so much great advice for mothers of multiples, and I love all the anecdotes scattered throughout the book—it makes the reader feel like she's not alone in the experience. If you just found out you're having twins, you won't be able to put this book down! If you're not expecting twins, I would still recommend the book. It is full of practical advice for any first-time mom. Most importantly, it is clear that the author really cares about her readers. The whole purpose of the book is to provide a resource for those who are wondering what the first steps are in the incredible journey of having twins.

Highly recommend!"  -Amazon reviewer

"Great read for any first-time mom!"
"Loved it!"

"Wonderful book! Well written, humorous, heartfelt and most of all, very helpful." -Amazon reviewer

Want to read an excerpt? Check out these posts with passages from Twin Sanity:

© 2023 by Susanna Pippel. Created with

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Opinions expressed here are merely anecdotes of what worked for the author and her family. Always consult your obstetrician, pediatrician, product owner's manuals, and the latest research when deciding what is best for you and your children.

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