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When my husband and I found out we were expecting twins, our range of emotions at least doubled—or maybe squared. When we believed we were expecting one baby, we were excited and felt prepared; when we learned that twins were on the way, we went into stunned panic. Suddenly, there was so much more to think about, so many issues to consider that are not on the table when you're expecting one baby, and so many unanswered questions. And, at the time we were expecting our babies, so few resources available. 


When our girls were about ten months old, our pediatrician called, wanting to know if he could share my contact information with someone he knew who was expecting twins. She had asked him if he knew of any books or resources to help her prepare for having twins, and while he said he didn't know of any books, he did know of a person who would be a good resource if I would be willing to talk with her. Of course I was happy to visit with her, share the few books I did have, and encourage her, but I couldn't help thinking again, "This is ridiculous! There should be more out there to help new parents of twins!" That is when I started considering writing a book. 


It was several months after deciding that I'd like to write something to try to help soon-to-be parents of twins and had not yet written a single word, that I had an epiphany—there are so few books out there about having twins because no parent of twins has time to write such a thing! And by the time you start to have some time, you have forgotten all of the critical details of the first few months with twins that would be so helpful for other new parents. So with five minutes here and five minutes there, I determined to record everything I could remember about the first year with our girls. If not to publish for others, it would be a journal for my own memory and for our girls to read someday. It took eight years for the original Twin Sanity to come together (remember that parents of young twins don't have time to write books!), adding research and resources to real life experience to create a useful how-to guide for new and expectant mothers of twins.


It has been such a joy to hear from readers of Twin Sanity that it has indeed been the help that I had hoped it would be. There are many more resources available now than when our babies were coming, and I urge readers to take advantage of as much of that information as is helpful to you. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting—take from each of us what you think will work for your family. It is my hope and prayer that you find something in Twin Sanity that is helpful to you as you begin your amazing journey in twin parenthood.



Susanna Pippel

wife, mommy, daughter, sister, friend


Life keeps changing, and so does this bio! When I first wrote a little bio for this website, it went like this:


What do you do while the girls are at school?


Volunteer, gather with girlfriends, study the Word, write some words, call my parents, plant some flowers, walk the dog, run errands, go to the grocery store, feed the people I love, make a home,

thank the Lord that THIS is my job


Since then, we have welcomed a surprise baby boy to the family, who is now six years old! Our little girls are now big girls in high school, and I have recently traded chauffeuring them from place to place for waving goodbye as they drive themselves to school and activities each day. Our Friday nights in the fall are spent cheering them on in the marching band, and our weekends are sometimes spent visiting colleges—and then doing a 180 to take our little guy to t-ball practice. Even as my day-to-day activities change, I am still thankful that loving these people is my primary occupation.

What's for dinner?


I love to love people with food and have included many favorite recipes on the EATS page—check it out! 

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Opinions expressed here are merely anecdotes of what worked for the author and her family. Always consult your obstetrician, pediatrician, product owner's manuals, and the latest research when deciding what is best for you and your children.

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